Video Competition

This year we only have one entry to the video category of the AAAR Art Competition. Picking the winners will be easy! Click on the entry title to access the video and the full description.

#23 - Collisions between Air Molecules and their Mean Free Path
Ricardo Morales Ricardo Morales

#23 - Collisions between Air Molecules and their Mean Free Path

For eons, the kinetic theory (KT) of gases has been used to determine the MFP assuming elastic collisions between spherical gas molecules [1]. However, is this so with what we know about molecular shape and force fields today? Having reached a state of maturity now, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can elucidate the fundamentals of basic gas-phase (aerosol) processes that lead to a) better understanding of natural phenomena and b) accelerating process scale-up [2]. Here the mechanics of gas collisions are elucidated for plain air at room temperature by thoroughly-validated atomistic MD treating O2 and N2 as true diatomic molecules accounting for their shape and force field, for the first time to our knowledge [3]. …..

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