Entry #19 - It wasn't an agglomerate... it was an agglomerate lobster!

Owen Fuhr, Christian Bjork, Francesco Carbone (University of Connecticut)

This 'agglomerate lobster' was formed on the stabilization plate located 60 mm above the Flat Premixed Droplet-Seeded Flame (FPDSF) facility in the Flame, Aerosol, and Nano Technologies (FANTastic) Lab at the University of Connecticut. It was 'caught' upon scraping the stabilization plate and observing the resulting material under an optical microscope. The agglomerate is about 8 microns long and 4 microns wide at its 'claws'.


Entry #18 - Fluorescently Labeled Influenza A Virus in dried 1-μL 0.1% Mucin Droplet at 50% Relative Humidity


Entry #22 - World's Smallest Football